Lighting And Rendering

As a little group we researched different types of writing. We had 30 minutes to find and share our research. This means some of the definition are not in my words.

Area Lighting:

Area lighting is a lighting term that refers to a lighting of large landscapes, which usually has floodlights. For example a football pitch.

Volume lighting:

provided light effects based on the lighting within the atmosphere, for example fog and smoke.

Light intensity:

The intensity of the light. So the amount  of light shown; how strong it is.

light Colour:

The actual colour of the light.

Directional light- light that shines in a single direction and can be cast from infinitely far away.

Ambient light- light that is already present in a scene before any additional light is added.

Point light- light that is emitted form a single point in 3D space it casts light equally in all direction like a real light.

Spotlight- Casts light in 3D space in a cone shape.

Light linking- Linking light with surfaces so that light only shines on a certain surface.

Cookies- a stencil that controls what shadow is cast.

Three point lighting- Having three separate light sources so you can illuminate which ever part you want. Each pixel in the depth map represents the distance from the light to the nearest shadow casting surface in a specific direction.

Depth Map- Shows a shadow between the light source to the surface it illuminates. Each pixel in the depth map represents the distance from the light to the nearest shadow casting surface in a specific direction.

Ray Traced Lighting- Technique used to make realistic shadows by tracing each individual light ray.

Maya software- software that renders everything in a Maya scene.

Mental ray-  a stand alone piece of software, different render used for film and TV.

Arnold render- A different render  that allows for different features.

Arial Light- Lighting large space.

Finding out what a lot theses different lighting’s are, will help me light and render my spaceship.



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